15 Donation Decided to grant a sum of £2 to the Sports Prize Fund of the Junior Instruction Centre (unemployment). Presents of Players Decided that the £50 referred to in the & Trainer last minutes be divided as follows:- Geldard £20, Critchley £18 & H Cooke £12. Practice Matches There were fixed for the 12th & 16th Augt. Training It was decided that the Players be called up to commence training on 31st July. Ribble Bus Co Secy reported that a claim had been received for damage to the Coaches used on the return to L'pool with the FA Cup, amounting to £58.13.0. The Chairman's action in instructing the Secy. to deny any liability was confirmed. F.A. Council Div 3 The nomination of Mr H H Hughes of Cheshire County FA was approved. L'pool County FA) It was decided to grant a donation of Benevolent Fund) £15.0.0 to this Fund. Peruvian F.A. An application from this FA to play match on our ground in Octr next was not entertained. Bands Applications received from 3 bands to play at our matches next Season, but it was decided not to engage any band. Marconiphone It was decided to ask the Marconiphone Co to send a representation over to experiment with the Amplifiers to see if better results could be obtained. Blyth Spartans FC Letter received from this club asking if we could grant them financial aid. Decided we could not see our way at present to increase their financial obligation to us. Ellesmere Port Town FC Letter of thanks received from this club for the donation sent to them. Transfer to Shares The following transfers was approved. H Blacoe (Exor of J M. Blacoe) to Sheila Prescott, Blacoe 3 Shares Nos 966 &967 & 2323.