Electric Rotary It was decided to accept the offer of the Express
Convertor Lift Co. to lubricate & clean this convertor at a
cost of £1.15.0 per annum.
Marine FC Secy reported that the Secy of this Club had
spoken to him stating that there were one or two matters
which a deputation of their club would like to discuss
with the Board. Decided to ask them to formulate
the various items.
Players Signed Secy reported that all players offered
re-engagements had re-signed except Birtley, Clark,
McGourty & Bocking. He was instructed to again
renew the offers to these players.
Blundell It was agreed to pay this employee a sum
of £5 for services rendered in connection with the
sale of Cup Final Tickets.
Medals It was decided to give medals to H E Cooke
(Trainer) & the Secy to commemorate the winning
of the F.A Cup.
Presents of Players The Chairman reported that he had obtained
the consent of the League Management to make
presents comprising a sum of £300. It was agreed
to grant £25 each to Sagar, Cook, Cresswell, Britton,
White, Thomson, Dunn, Dean, Johnson & Stein and
the remaining £50 to be divided between Geldard,
Critchley & H Cooke (Trainer)
Next Meeting Left in hands of Chairman to fix
Confirmed as correct
W. C. Cuff