
		£1550 be charged to same.
	   (4)	 That the Statement of a/cs, Profit & Loss a/c and
		Balance Sheet be approved.
	   (5)	 That a Dividend of 7½% (less Income Tax) be paid
		on the paid up Capital be reccommended.

Annual Meeting		It was proposed & carried that the Annual
		Meeting be held in the Law Association Rooms,
		Cook St. L'pool on Friday 15th June next at 7.30 pm.
			It was decided that the Auditors of the Coy.
	   (1)	 Take control of admission to the Annual Meeting &
		that they be authorised to obtain the necessary assistance
	   (2)	 Dispatch notices of the meeting & copy of the a/cs
		to the Shareholders.

Drs & Trainers Report	It was reported that Archer was suffering
		from strained knee ligament, but would be fit in a
		weeks time.

Reports re Players	Mr H Hart gave a fairly good report of this C.F.
Chambers (Halifax) who was 5.8½ well built fairly speedy & shot well
		with either foot was well worth watching next Season.

Holt (Southampton)	Mr T. Kelly reported that this CF started well
		agst P.N.E. but faded out in 2nd half, through getting
		no assistance, was 5'.10" stated to be 19, but looked
		older. Had hardly enough experience for 1st League football.

Brown (Darlington)	Mr W Laine reported that this man was a
		good player.

Gallon & Thompson	He also reported that the former lacked experiences
(Blyth Spartans) but the latter was a very promising CF.

Robertson (Dundee)	Secy reported that the Dundee FC were
		asking £3000 for this player's transfer.

Press			It was agreed that should the Echo & Express
		representatives decided to go on Tour to Denmark
		they could do so provided they paid their share
		of the expenses.

Reports of Matches	Reports were received of the matches v Wolves 2-4