8 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Hotel Liverpool on Tuesday 9th May 1933] Present Mr W C Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors except Mr A Coffey Minutes The Minutes of Meeting held on the 2nd inst were read & confirmed. Finance The following receipts were reported :- Gate v Sheffield United £1121.1.8 Tax £189.3.10 20% £153.6.2 1% £8.14.9 do v Oldham Res. £45.9.9 Tax £7.11.4 Amount received from F. A. Cup Semifinals £1125.19.0 do do Final £5177.0.0 do do Expenses £74.14.0 Bovril Ld. Rent £16.0.0 Bank Balance £13,571.5.8 Cr Cheques were signed for the following:- Collector of Customs & Excise Tax £196.15.2 Football League Percentage Compensn £17.9.1 Staff Wages £56.13.6 Accounts & The Secretary presented the accounts for the Balance Sheet year ending 6th inst, and after explanations of the various items it was resolved that :- (1) The amount due from Sundry Debtors be valued, for the purpose of the Balance Sheet at £477.15.1 (2) A depreciation of 10% be written off all Stands, Hoardings & Erections amounting to £1978.16.9 & that 15% be written off Marconiphone Equipment viz £88.17.8 (3) The amount expended on Clothing Material & Stores £315.11.8 & 275.11.2 Marco be written off Income & Expenditures a/c, also that the contracts accepted for Painting £122.0.0 & Heightening wall &c at West side of Practice Ground £155.0.0 & Players Benefits sanctioned, amounting to