7 [Meeting of Ground Committee held at Goodison Park L'pool on 3rd May 1933] Present Messrs H Banks (Chair), J Sharp, A R Wade & Dr C. S. Baxter. Ground Expenses Tenders were received in follows for the Painting of Bullens Stand Ironwork:- £ s d W. A. Gale Ld 155.0.0 Tippin Bros 167.0.0 T. McHugh 187.0.0 Wm. Clarkson 188.0.0 Thos Martha & Son 225.0.0 Davey & Sons 267.0.0 W Smith & Son Ld 268.0.0 W & A Piercey Ld 295.0.0 Thos Slater & Sons 315.0.0 It was agreed that the first named be accepted. Tenders were also received for heightening the West Wall of Practice Ground & fixing New Gate in same as follows :- £ s d Bragg & Collins 122.0.0 Walter Spencer 130.0.0 Tysons Ld 130.18.0 Wm Clarkson 132.0.0 John Williams Ld 142.10.0 It was also agreed that the first named be accepted. Confirmed as Correct Chairman