296 was reported but no action taken. Retained & Transfer Lists Decided to offer engagements for next Season to the following :- Sagar, Williams, Cook, Cresswell, Britton, Gee, Thomson, White, Geldard, Dean, Stevenson, Coulter & Stein at £6 Summer £8 Winter Playing Season, King £4 & £4, Jones £4 & £5/10/-, Jackson £4 & £5/10/-, Morris £2/10/- & £2/10/-, Allen £1 & £2, Mercer £5 & £6, Clark £5 & £6, Archer £6 & £6 Kavanagh £3 & £4, Watson £3 & £4/10/-, Cunliffe £6 & £8, WCC £8 Leyfield £5 & £6, Bentham £3 & £4, Dickinson £3 & £4, Webster £3 & £3, Hannon £2 & £2. The following to be put on the Transfer List:- Dunn, fee to be left to the discretion of the Chairman with a minimum of £350. Deighton, Griffiths & Higham. Free transfer. Lancs. Cup Final It was reported that this had definitely been fixed for April 27th at Goodison Park. French Tour Negotiations were reported, offering 4 matches in France from May 18th to 26th. Drumcondra F. C. Request from this Club for services of Kavanagh on Wed'y. Apl. 10th not entertained. Irish Free State F. A. This Association asked for the release of Stevenson to participate in a tour of Switzerland & Germany. This also was not entertained. Letters of Thanks Letters were read from Welsh F. A., L'pool Schools F. A. & L'pool Shipping League. Use of Ground L'pool Business Houses League were granted the use of Goodison Park for their Cup Final, but the requests of Old Boys Amateur League & Sunday School's League for like facilities, were not granted. Transfers of Shares The following transfers were approved:- Share No. 2400 from R. G. Scrimiger to J. T. Standish. do 653 do do Cyril R. Webster. do 654 do do G. W. Molyneux. do 655 do do Arthur Spragg. do 656 do do Wm. Quinnett.