289 20, Gwladys St. Asst. Secy. reported the vacation of this house by Miss. Bedford. Decided this would not prejudice her position for the Compensation arrangements that might be made, if within a reasonable period from present date. Agreed that the premises should be relet at present rental. Use of Ground Use of Ground granted to L'pool County F. C. Secondary Schools, Catholic Schools, L'pool & Dist. Alliance, for their respective Finals. Marine F. C. Decided that we assist this Club re playing strength in Lancs. Combination, as far as possible commensurate with our own needs. Letters of Thanks Letters of Thanks read from C. R. Webster & Allied Newspapers. Irish F. A. Asst. Secy. reported vide newspaper information, the choice by the Irish F. A. of Stevenson & Coulter for their match v Wales, 27th inst. Players on Transfer In reply to our enquiries following prices were report Hanford (Swansea) £3500, Martin (Swansea) £2000, Worswick (Southport) £1000. McMenemy (Newcastle) & Glover & Craven (Grimsby Town) were not for transfer. St. Johns Amb. Bgde. Decided to grant the L'pool Corps Twenty Guineas in lieu of a collection. H. Hart Agreed that this Official's Wages be in- creased to £5 weekly from date. Players to Watch Mr. H. Hart to watch Mills (Aberdeen) Mr. J. Fare do Alsop (Walsall) Enquiries to be mades re Pickering & Dodd (Sheffield Utd.) & Mutch (Manchester Utd.). Next Meeting On Tuesday, 26th inst. at Exchange Hotel 6 p.m. Confirmed as Correct. W. C. Cuff Chairman