EVERTON FOOTBALL CLUB CO., LTD. GROUND & REGISTERED OFFICE :- SECRETARY THOS. H. McINTOSH Goodison Park, TELEPHONE Liverpool, NO. 63 WALTON TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS, 19th March 1935. "FOOTBALL", LIVERPOOL. That the following should be attended to as soon as possible. 1. GOAL DOUBLE DECKER (a) Gutters & Spouts (b) False Roof (c) Rails 2. GOODISON ROAD STAND (a) Roof (b) Glass Roof (c) Chimney Stacks (d) Tunnel (e) Strong Room 3. BULLENS ROAD Painting Exterior 4. POINTING Exterior Goodison Rd. Goal Double Decker. Boundary Wall behind Goal Double Decker. W. C. Cuff.