
		v Blackpool Res. (h) 9th inst.
		King, Jackson, Cresswell, Mercer, White, Archer,
		Leyfield, Bentham, Higham, Hannon & Stein Res. Clark.
		v Hoylake.
			left to H. Hart

Directors to W. Bromwich	Messrs E. Green & G. Evans.

Use of Ground		An application from the L'pool Amateur Mid
		week League for the use of our ground for their Cup
		Final was not entertained.

Journey to Portsmouth	It was decided to travel direct to Portsmouth
		on Friday 22nd inst. & stay in London overnight on
		the 23rd.

Reports re Players	Mr. W. Laine gave a good report of this
McMenemy (N'cle) inside forward. Decided to enquire if Club would part.

Baird (Linfield)	Mr. J. Fare reported that he did not
		consider this player up to our standard at present.

Jacky Robertson		It was decided to grant a donation of £10.10.0
Memorial Fund	to this Fund.

C. L. match v M/c City	It was agreed to fix this postponed match
		for Wed. Mar 27th.

L'pool Cup S. F.}	It was also agreed to the Tranmere Rovers
v Tranmere Rovers} F. C. suggestion to play this match on April 10th

Guarantee Bond		Letter received from Ministry Customs & Excise
		stating that the penalty must be increased as
		from 17th inst. to £1800. Decided to agree.

Chiropodist		Application from Mr. W. Abey to act as Chiropodist
		to the club was not entertained.

Match in Paris		Application received from 3 Parisian Clubs
		asking if we would play a match in Paris
		on the 28th inst. Decided not to accept any of

Player on Transfer	Lists received from Southport & Wolverhampton
		Wanderers F. C's. Decided to have Worswick (S'port)