
		It was agreed to grant the rights to British
		Gaumont Pictures on same conditions as last time.

Players to Watch	Messrs A. Coffey & Secy. to watch Baird (Linfield)
		with powers to sign him on up to a transfer
		fee of £3000.

Next Meeting		At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next 26th
		inst. at 6 pm.

Higham			It was decided to consult Dr. W. T. Davies as
		to the removal of this player's tonsils.

					Confirmed as Correct
						W. C. Cuff

Players Benefits	It was decided to apply for permission
		to pay the following Benefits:-
		W. R. Dean £650, J. Thomson £650 & C. K. Webster £250.
		The question of benefit to B. Williams was deferred
		until later on, in Season.
						W. C. Cuff