
League Match		It was decided to agree to the Chelsea request
v Chelsea	to play our postponed match on Feby. 20th providing
		we had not to replay our match v Derby County (F. A. Cup).

Northampton Town	Letter read from this club stating they had
F. C.		read that Cresswell was relinquishing playing
		football at end of Season & asking if we would
		allow them to interview him & to offer him an
		appointment as Manager. Secy. was instructed to
		reply that as we had no information as to the
		first portion of the letter we could not deal with
		the latter portion.

Mr. H. Banks		Secy. reported that this Director was a
		little brighter.

A. Dickinson		As this player was leaving his employment
		at end of this week it was decided to offer
		him £4 per week to be full time professional to
		end of Season.

Congestion of		This question was raised at the meeting and
Spectators	it was decided that in future. E. Storey's opinion
		be taken as to the advisability of getting the
		Police to move the queues to other entrances
		& closing the turnstiles.

Players to watch	Mr. T. Kelly to watch Duncan (Hull City)
			"   J. Fare 	  do  Miller (Partick Thistle)

Next Meeting		At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday 12th inst.

						Confirmed as Correct

							W. C. Cuff