
		collection at a League match, in aid of the Poor Children's
		Health Holiday Scheme, was not entertained; but it was
		decided to make them a Donation of Three Guineas.

Donations		The following Donations were approved:-
		Railway Benevolent Inst'n. One Guinea, Albion House
		Boys Club, Two Guineas.

Railway Saloons		Secretary was instructed for to arrange
		for better saloon accommodation on railway journeys.

Boy Scouts		It was agreed to offer this Association
Association	the use of Goodison Park for their display on May 6th or 11th.

Scottish Agent		Mr. W. C. Cuff detailed his correspondence with
		Mr. R. Liddell regarding this post & it was decided not to
		appoint this gentleman. The Chairman was requested to
		make enquires of Mr. J. H. Galt as to the possibility of
		him acting in this capacity.

Players Benefits	Consideration of this was deferred
		until the next meeting.

Irish F. A.		It was agreed to release Cook,
		Stevenson & Coulter if required for the Irish F. A. team
		on Feby. 6th, 1935.

F. L. Minutes		Reduction in Expenses allowed to
		Referees & Linesmen was reported.

Bury F. C.		Request from this Club for forwards
		was considered. Decided that we had none to offer them.

Osteopath		Secretary instructed to interview Mr.
		Mr. C. L. Johnson & report to the Board.

Players on		Letter read from Aston Villa F. C. Decided
Transfer	to ask if they were prepared to part with Astley &

Players to		Mr. J. Fare to watch Walter (Hearts)
Watch			Mr. F. W. Lake do Hunt & Dellon
					 (Mansfield Town)
			Mr. E. Cooper  do Becketh (New Brighton)

Hampson			Mr. H. Hart to proceed to Bolton &