252 Reports re Players Mr. J. Fare gave a fairly good report of this Buttery (Bury) forward and recommended he be seen again. He also gave an excellent report of Jones the right half of Bury who was 22, 5-10 & 11 st. Ponting (Grimsby) Mr. H. Hart reported that this player was 22 or 23. 5'-8' or 9' & 11 st. had fairly good ball control, but no good with his head. He could not recommend him. Cairns (N'cle) Mr. W. Laine gave another good report of this C. F. Napier (Celtic) Secy. reported that he had received no further communication from the Celtic F.C. Wrexham F.C. Letter received from this club offering any of their players for transfer. Spiked Roller It was agreed to order one of these from Dickson & Robinson of Manchester at a cost of £10.10.0. T. A. White Mr. E. Green gave a report of his interview with Dr. Davies & this player re his dietary. Miss Halme Agreed to grant this lady a gratuity of £5 for booking seats. Players to Watch Mr. J. Fare to watch Wrexham players " H. Hart to Buttery & Jones (Bury). Mr. H. Banks Secy. reported that this Director was keeping about the same. Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday 8th prox. at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct E. Green Chairman