247 Staff be sent away. Napier (Celtic) It was resolved that a definite offer of £7000 be made to Celtic F.C. for the transfer of Napier with the proviso that such offer is con- ditional upon the transfer being effected in time to ensure his services being available to us (if required) in the forthcoming cup tie on January 12th. Mr. W. R. Clayton The Chairman informed the Board that he had lately been made aware that Mrs. & Miss Clayton, the wife & daughter of Mr. W. R. Clayton, an ex-Chairman of the Everton Club, had become the victims of a reversal of fortune, & his suggestion that the sacrifices which those ladies had been called upon to make by reason of the devotion of Mr. Clayton to the Club, might be acknowledged by a donation of £50, was unanimously agreed to, & the Chairman was requested to write Mr. Clayton therewith. General Affairs At the conclusion of the business of the Meetings, the Committee discussed the general affairs of the Club & a number of suggestions were made with a view to increased efficiency & the general up- raising of the "atmosphere" connected with the business of the Company: & the Chairman was requested & empowered to adopt such means as he might deem expedient with that object in view. Next Meeting On Thursday, Dec. 27th at 4.30 pm. Confirmed as Correct E. Green Chairman.