244 for the following period viz. 17th to 22nd Decr. & 2nd Jany. to 12th Jany. Unemployment Secy. reported that a sum of £387.1.5 had Insurance been received from the Ministry of Pensions & that the amount due to the Players out of this was £155.3.5. Leave of Absence T. Kavanagh was granted leave of absence from after match on Sat. next until Tuesday morning following. Donations The following donations were granted:- £2.2.0 each to Workmen's Mission, S. End Children's Xmas Treat, Mayor of Bootle's Xmas Treat, & Everton Poor Children's Xmas Treat. Higham Enquiry received from Preston N. E. F.C. asking if we would transfer this player. Decided that we could not entertain the proposal at present. Tranmere Rovers F.C. Letter received from this club asking for our permission for them to bring their League Match v Chester forward from 4th May to Jany. next. Decided to grant same. Scotland v England It was decided to purchase 10 tickets at 10/6 ea for this match on Apl. 6th. Mr. H. Banks Secy. reported that this Director was about the same. Players on Transfer Lists received from Liverpool, Burnley & M'bro F.C.'s but no action taken. Players to Watch Left in hands of Secy. Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next 18th inst. at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman