243 Reports re Players Secy. reported that the Bolton Wdrs. F.C. Secy. Westwood (Bolton) had informed him that they were not prepared to transfer this player at present. A. proposition to make an offer of £7000 for his transfer was not carried. Napier (Celtic) Secy. reported that the Celtic F.C. had asked for a fee of £9000 for this player. It was decided to write them stating that our Board were not interested in the player at the figure mentioned. Jones (W. Bromwich) Mr. J. Fare reported that this I. L. had played a very useful game. He was 21. 5-8 & 10½ to 11 st. Agreed that the Chairmen make further enquiries about him. N'cle Res. v Aston V. Res. Mr. W. Laine gave good reports of Cairns (C. F.) of N'cle & Haycock (I. L.) of Aston Villa. Goal D. D. Stand Mr. E. Green reported that he had interviewed Mr. A. Leitch and had obtained an estimate for the total cost of re-roofing this stand (including Architect's fees) amounting to £933.0.0. The work was in hand. Spiked Roller It was agreed that Mr. E. Green see Mr. Godseff re this matter. F.A. Cup 3rd Rd. Secy. reported that we had been drawn against Grimsby Town at home in this Competition. It was decided to fix the following prices. Shareholders & Members Stand & Blocks D, E, F @ 5/- each (reserved). N & S ends of Bullens Rd. Stand & Block C & G in Goodison Rd. at 3/6 each (res.) Blocks A, B, H & K Goodison Rd Stand at 2/6 (res.). Ordinary league prices to Goal D. D. Paddock & Ground. It was also agreed to reserve 110 seats in Block D for F.A. officials & players of each club. Special Training It was agreed that certain players (to be selected proceed to stay at Buxton (Palace Hotel).