241 Tea Urns It was decided that Mr. W. C. Gibbins obtain sample of Tea Urns to be submitted at next meeting. Social Evening It was decided to accept the invitation of the Old Manor Club Wallasey to attend a Social Evening on a date to be fixed in the New Year. Irish Free State F.A. A further application from this Association for our player (Stevenson) to play in match v Hungary on Sunday 16th inst. was not entertained. Mr. H. Banks Dr. C. S. Baxter reported that this Director was much better. Goal D. D. Stand It was decided that the work of re-roofing this stand be proceeded with at earliest possible moment, and Secy. was instructed to arrange for an early meeting with the Chairman (Mr. E. Green) & Mr. Leitch so that an estimate of the full cost of carrying out the whole of the work could be obtained. Lancs. Cup Final Secy. reported that the Bury F.C. were not prepared to play this match at Blackpool on Jany. 1st next. Players to watch Messrs J. Sharp & A Coffey to watch Hird (M/C City). New Players It was agreed that Secy. proceed to Bolton to enquire about the possible transfer of Westwood and also to Glasgow to enquire similarly re Napier (Celtic). Reports re Referees It was decided that in future Secy. obtain the opinions of the Directors present at matches as to the conduct of the Referee on Monday after the matches. Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday 11th inst. at 6pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman