240 v West Kirby (a) Left to staff. Director to Sheffield Mr. Geo. Evans. Reports re Players Messrs W. C. Gibbins & G. Evans reported that whilst Leedham (Accrington) this player was clever, they did not consider him up to standard required. Murphy (Stalybridge) Mr. J. Fare reported that this O. L. was not of standard required. Roberts (Shrewsbury) Mr. T. Kelly reported that this inside right who was only 16 was very promising indeed. Gibson (Garston P. R.) Mr. E. Cooper reported that this O. R. was promising 17. 5' 9" & 10½ st. Robinson (Blyth) Mr. T. Kelly reported that this O. L. was poor. Stoke City F.C. Invitations received from this club for a Director v the Secy. to attend their match v F.C. Austria & a Dinner afterwards on Thursday 13th inst. Agreed that failing the Chairman. Mr. W. C. Gibbins attend with Secy. Donation Agreed to grant £2.2.0 to L'pool Central Y.M.C.A. Funds. J. Archer Enquiry received from Sheffield Wed. F.C. asking if we were prepared to transfer this half back. Decided by a majority not to do so. Laundry &c. Complaint was made as to the unsatisfactory manner in which the washing of outfits was being carried out and it was decided that the Chairman offer the position to Mrs. Butler at £1 s d per week and that she also be paid 2/6 per match for assisting with the catering. Decided that Mrs. Roberts be retained to carry out the duties of Cleaning the officer & Catering at £1.10.0 per week.