238 over until after next F.A. Council meeting. Mr. H. Banks Dr. C. S. Baxter reported that this Director was somewhat better. Lancs. Cup Final Secy. reported that the Secy. of Lancs. F.A. had asked if we would play this match v Bury at Blackpool on Jany. 1st. Decided to reply in affirmative. Gwladys St. Ppty. The Chairman reported his interview with the members of the Housing Committee. Player to watch Messrs W. C. Gibbins & G. Evans to watch Leedham. Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday 4th prox. at 6 pm. Presentation At the close of the meeting a Dinner was to Mr. E. Green held during which the Chairman made a presentation to Mr. E. Green of a gold wristlet watch and a diamond tie pin to commemorate his 21 years service as a Director, and in doing so paid a tribute to the good work he had done for the club during that period. Mr. Green thanked the Chairman & his colleagues most sincerely for their action. Confirmed as Correct E. Green Chairman