
Team Selections		The following teams were selected:-
		v Middlesbro (a) 1st Decr.
		Sagar, Williams, Cook, Britton, Gee, Thomson,
		Geldard, Cunliffe, Dean, Stevenson & Coulter. Res. Cresswell.
		v Birmingham Res. (h)
		Bradshaw, Jackson, Jones, Mercer, White, Archer, Leyfield,
		Dunn, Dickinson, Webster & Stein. Res. Clark.
		v Marine
			Left to H. Hart.

Directors to M'Bro.	Messrs E. Green & A. Coffey.

Reports re Players	Mr. T. Kelly reported that this player had given
Leedham (Accrington) a very good display v Mansfield Age 24. 5' 8".

Ratcliffe (Worksop)	Mr. F. Lake gave a poor report of this C. H. B.

Herd (M/c City)		Secy. reported that the Club were not prepared
		to part with this player at present.

First Vienna F.C.	Letter read from this club asking if we would
		play then a match here this season. Decided to
		reply that we could not do so at present, but we may
		be able to do so later on this season or early
		part of next.

Irish Free State F.A.	Letter received from Mr. J. Gilligan asking as to
		re-consider the question of the release of Stevenson and
		Kavanagh to play against Hungary. Decided not
		to do so.

Donations		Agreed to grant £2.2.0 each to Red Triangle
		Lads Club Everton & the National Wedding gift

Cuefellow Fund		It was decided to accept the invitation for
		our players to play the Cuefellows on 18th Decr. next.

Goal D. D. Stand	It was agreed to leave the consideration over
Tea Urns	until a future meeting.
Turf Renovator

Australian F.A.		Letter received from this F.A. re proposed
		Tour in England next season. Decided to leave matter