229 v Preston N. E. Res. Lancs. Cup (a) 17th inst. Deighton, Williams, Jones, Mercer, Clark, Archer, Leyfield, Dunn, Dickinson, Webster & Stein. Res. - Jackson. v Earlestown White Star (h) Left to H. Hart. Directors to Stoke Messrs E. Green & G. Evans. do to Preston " W. C. Gibbins & A. R. Wade. Reports re Players Secy. gave a good report of Martin & stated Linfield v Belfast Celtic that the transfer fee required by Belfast Celtic F.C. was £6000. Decided to take no action at that figure. He also gave a good report of Baird (I. R.) & Bambrick (C. F.) of Linfield. The former was at 20. 5.7½ & 10 st. & the latter 5'.8" 27 & 11 st. Gamble (Ards.) He had made enquiries from Messrs C. Watson Utterson (Glenavon) & J. Price (Irish Officials) re these three players, but Bullcock (Portadown) had only received fair reports. Morgan (Spennymoor) Mr. H. Hart reported that this goalkeeper had not much to do v Jarrow, but made one or two mistakes. Church (Bolton) Mr. J. Fare stated that as this goalkeeper had not had much to do, he could not give a report as to his ability. Decided he see him again. Napier (Celtic) Mr. R. Liddell gave another good report of this player. Bradshaw (N. Brighton) Mr. F. W. Lake reported that owing to this goalkeeper not having much to do, he could not form an opinion about him. Players Billiard H'cup It was decided to grant a sum of £5.5.0 for prizes for this handicap. Goal D. D. Stand The Chairman stated he had had an interview with Mr. A. Leitch re roof of this stand & had received approximate prices for re-roofing same. It was agreed to ask Mr. Leitch to attend the next Board meeting with sketches & estimated cost.