
Electric Clocks		The question of fixing these was further deferred.

F.A. Cup Final		Circular received from F.A. re applications for
		Cup Final Tickets. Decided to go into the matter next

Use of Ground		Applications for use of ground were received
		from L'pool Schools F.A. on Novr. 29th and from
		L'pool & Dist. Boy Scouts Assocn. for a Saturday at
		end of May next. The first named was granted &
		the second one not entertained.

Collection		Permission was granted for a collection to
		be taken on Sat. next in aid of the Poppy Day
		Fund for British Legion.

Glenavon F.C.		Letter read offering to let us have their
		goalkeeper on a month's trial. Secy. was asked
		to make further enquiries.

England v		The Chairman reported that this match had
Ireland		been allocated to our ground on Feby. 6th.

Crockery &c.		Samples & prices were submitted by the sub-
		Committee, but it was decided to carry on for
		the remainder of the season with the stock we
		already have.

Players to Watch	Secy. to watch Martin (Belfast Celtic) and
		to make enquiries re Gamble (Ards.), Bullick (Portadown),
		& Utterson (Glenavon).
			Mr. J. Fare to watch	Church (Bolton Wdrs.)
		Secy. to arrange for other players to be watched.

Next Meeting		On Tuesday next 13th inst. at 6 p.m. Exchange Hotel.

							Confirmed as Correct
								E. Green