
		Leyfield, Dunn, Dickinson, Webster & Stein. Res. - Jackson.

		v N'cle. United Res. (a) 10th inst.
		King, Williams, Jones, Mercer, White, Archer, Leyfield,
		Dunn, Dickinson, Webster, Stein. Res. - Watson.

Official to N'cle	Mr. T. Kelly.

Reports re Players	Messrs The Chairman & Mr. A. Coffey gave good reports
F.L. v Scottish L. of Miller (I. R.) & Napier (I. L.) of Scottish team.

Bowden (Derby)		Mr. T. Kelly gave a very poor report of this
		inside right.

Leedham (Accrington)	Mr. J. Fare reported that he did not consider
		this player good enough for us.

Storey & Church		Mr. T. Fleetwood reported that he did not consider
(Bolton Wdrs.)	the former any better than Bentham, but stated
		that the latter was a very good goalkeeper. Secy.
		stated that the fee required for this player was £1000.

Melaniphy		Mr. W. J. Wallace gave a very good report
(Plymouth)	of this C. F.

Jackson (Chelsea)	The Chairman reported that the fee asked
		for this player was £2000. No action taken.

Marsh (I.C.I.)		Mr. J. Elliott gave a very good report of this
		inside forward. Secy. instructed to find out if
		he had signed an M form for his club.

Oliver (Shildon)	Mr. W. Laine reported that these were two
& Balmerley (Eden C. H.) good centre forwards.

Presentation to		It was agreed to present this Director with
Mr. E. Green	a Souvenir up to a cost of Thirty Guineas to
		commemorate his having completed 21 years
		service as a Director and a sub committee
		consisting of the Chairman & himself was
		appointed to select same.

Goal Double		The Vice Chairman reported that the roof
Decker Stand	of this stand was in a very bad state and
		he had given instructions for tender to be obtained
		for re-roofing same.