224 Mr. H. Banks Dr. C. S. Baxter reported that this Director was failing rapidly now. Football League Secy. reported that our player C. S. Britton had v Scottish League been selected for this match on 31st inst. Crockery & The following were elected a sub Committee Tea Urns to obtain samples & prices of these. Messrs w. C. Gibbins, A. R. Wade & G. Evans. Notice of Motion Dr. C. S. Baxter gave notice of Motion to bring forward at next meeting the question of a testimonial to Mr. E. Green on the completion of his 21 years service. Mr. E. Green gave notice of motion to bring forward at next meeting the question of re-roofing goal double decker. Social Events Mr. E. Green was given permission to arrange Billiard & Table Tennis matches for the players and to use his discretion re the payment of Exs. in connection with same. Players to Watch Left in hands of Secy. to arrange. Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday 6th Novr. at 6 p.m. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman