216 Leyfield, Cunliffe, Dean, Higham & Stein. Res. - Williams. v Bury Res. (h) 20th inst. King, Jackson, Jones, Mercer, White, Archer, Geldard, Dunn, Dickinson, Webster & O'Reilly. Res. - Clark. v Wolves Res. (h) 17th inst. King, Williams, Jones, Mercer, White, Archer, Geldard, Dunn, A. Dickson, Higham, & Coulter. Res. - Clark. Directors to Leeds Messrs E. Green, J. Sharp, G. Evans & W. C. Gibbins. do to Belfast " The Chairman & Mr. A. Coffey. Lancs. Cup 3Rd Rd The action of Secy. in fixing this Cup tie v Oldham Ath. (a) on 3rd prox. was confirmed. C. L. Match v On account of above Lancs. Cup tie, this C. L. Blackburn Rovers match had to be postponed & Secy.'s action in fixing new date for 7th prox. was confirmed. Reports re Players The Chairman gave a good report of this player. Sandford (W. B. A) but stated that the club were not prepared to part with him. Mills (Aberdeen) Mr. J. Middleton gave a good report as to this player's ability & conduct. Roughton Secy. reported that he had been informed (Huddersfield) by the Assistant Manager of H'field that they might be prepared to part with this player, but the Board decided they were not interested. Pickering Secy. gave a good report of this player, but (Sheffield United) stated that the Directors present at the match had informed him that there was no likelihood of their parting with him. Treatham Messrs J. Elliott & C. Gandy gave very good reports (Saltney G.W.R. Social) of this outside left who was about 17 yrs. of age. Armistead Mr. J. Fare gave a poor report of this back (Morecambe) who did not appear to be suitable for the position of left back. Kelsall Mr. T. Fleetwood gave a very poor report of (Monkton Colly) this outside left. Miller (N. Shields) Mr. W. Laine gave a good report of this O. Left.