
Pickering (Sheffield U.) The Directors at Sheffield & Mr. T. Kelly reported
		that this player had played a very useful
		game against us in C. L. game.

Footballers Golf	Permission was granted for our players to
Championship	enter for this competition to be played on
		the 15th inst. and also for Mr. T. Kelly to act as
		an official for same.

S. African Tour		Secy. reported that only a poor response
		had been made by the players re this Tour.

N. H. Insurance		Chairman reported the majority of the players
		had agreed to go in for voluntary subscriptions &
		in order to assist them to do this he had told
		them that he was of opinion that the Board
		would forego any claim they may have to the
		repayment of health insurance & this was agreed to.

Insurance of		It was decided to reduce the amount insured
Property	for fire on Goodison Avenue &c. Property from £22000
		to £17,500 and that of Gwladys St. from
		£7,500 to £6,000.

J. Thomson		Report of Referee re this players conduct
		in match v Wolverhampton Wdrs. on 29th ult. received
		from F.A.

Football League		It was agreed that the Chairman & Mr. A.
v Scottish League Coffey represent the Club at this match & that
		we apply for 2 tickets for match, and accept
		invitation to Luncheon. on 31st inst.

Mr. H. Banks		It was reported that this Director was not
		so well. It was decided that Dr. C. S. Baxter be
		asked to consult with Mrs. Banks as to the
		advisability of engaging a night nurse.

J. G. Watson		The transfer of this player to Coventry City F.C.
		on the 4th inst. at a fee of £400 to be paid as
		follows: £100 at once, £150 on 1st Novr. & £150 on 1st Decr.
		and application to be made to Football League for