
			[Meeting of Directors held at
			Exchange Hotel, Liverpool on
			Tuesday, 2nd October, 1934]

		Present	Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors
			except Mr. H. Banks (ill).

Minutes			The Minutes of Meeting held on 25th ult.,
		were read & confirmed.

Finance			The following receipts were reported :-
		Gate v Earlestown Bohemians £21.1.11 Tax   £3.10.0
		Preston N. E. F.C. on a/c Critchley Fee	 £100. 0.0
		Coventry City F.C. Bal. Fee re Birtley	 £400. 0.0
		New Brighton F.C. on a/c Loan		  £50. 0.0
		Sale of Minerals			   £0.18.2
			Bank Balance	£5659.4.5 Cr.
		The following Cheque was signed :-
		Thos. H. McIntosh	Wages &c. 	 £280. 0.0

Reports of Matches	Reports were received of the matches:- v Wolverhampton
		Wands. 2-4, v Manchester City 2-2, v Earlestown Bohemians 1-1.

Dr. & Trainer's Report	Dr. W. T. Davies & Trainer Cooke reported all players
		fit with the exception of T. A. White.

T. A. White		Mr. H. Hart gave his report on the progress of
		this player at Harrogate & Trainer Cooke stated that his
		stripped weight now was 13 st. 1¼ lbs. Details of his
		present diet were read by the Chairman.

H. Banks		Dr. C. S. Baxter reported that this Director was
		slightly better than last week.

Team Selections		The following teams were chosen :-
		v Chelsea (h), Oct. 6th
		Sagar, Cresswell, Cook, Britton, Gee, Thomson, Leyfield,
		Cunliffe, Dean, Stevenson & Stein. Reserve Jackson.

		v Sheffield Utd. Res. (a)
		Deighton, Williams, Jones, Mercer, Clark, Archer,