Mr. H. Banks Dr. C. S. Baxter reported that this Director
was still about the same.
Gresford Colliery It was decided to give a donation of One
Disaster Fund Hundred Guineas to the Lord Mayor's Fund in
aid of the dependents left by this disaster, and
also to make a collection at our home match v
Chelsea on Oct. 6th.
Stockings It was decided to discontinue the wearing
of the ringed stockings at present in use.
L. R. Rose It was agreed to cancel the registration
of this player for League & C. L.
Photograph It was decided that this matter be
of Team discussed at next meeting.
Team practice It was also decided to bring this question
on Ground forward at next meeting.
Players to Watch Mr. G. Evans to watch Blackman Q. P. Rangers
Secy. do Chester v Tranmere Rovers
do do Scottish League v Irish League
and at same time make enquiries re F. O'Donnell (Celtic).
Secy. to arrange for other players to be seen.
Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 p.m.
Confirmed as Correct
W. C. Cuff