
		were unable to see our way to do so.

Advertising Matches	It was decided to advertise on certain local
		railway stations of the L. A. E. R.

Catholic Herald		Application from this paper for a Press ticket
		was granted. Secy. instructed to prepare a list
		of the present Press Ticket holders.

L'pool Senior Cup	Secy. was deputed to attend the draw for
		this cup tomorrow evening at Anfield.

Practice Match		It was agreed to allocate these to the
Receipt		various hospitals & charities at next meeting.

Blyth Spartans		Letter received from this club re Carnaby.
		Decided to tell them that we were not interested
		in the player.

Wigan Athletic F. C.	Letter read from this club asking for some 
		financial assistance in rebuilding a shelter which
		had been blown down. Decided to reply that we
		were unable to see our way to do so.

Transfer of Share	The following transfer was approved
		Exor. of R. Ledson to Minnie Ledson 1 share No. 1885.

Dolphin F. C.		The Secy.'s action in refusing permission
Dublin		for Stevenson & Dean to play in Kendrick's benefit
		match on the 10th inst. was approved.

Newcastle U. F. C.	Secy.'s action in informing this club that our
		player Leyfield was not for transfer was approved.

Lanc's Schools F. A. Letter of thanks received from this Assocn. for
		use of ground for L'pool v Bolton Schoolboys last

Pathe Pictures Ld.	Permission was granted for this firm to
		take a film of our players in training.

Increase of Staff	Decided to increase the wages of Spencer
Wages		(Groundsman) by 5/- per week & of players (J. E. Jones)
     Week. WCC	10/- per week & Leyfield £1 per match week extra when
		playing in 1st Team.