
Members Stand		A few complaints were received re the reserved
		portion of this stand which was formerly for members
		being now discontinued. The Board gave the matter
		careful consideration and after enquiries which had
		been made from the ground staff had been received
		it was decided to continue as at present it being
		ascertained that the complaints were only from a
		small percentage of season ticket holders.

Parking of Cars		A complaint was received re the new system
		of parking cars in Stanley Park which was stated
		to be very inconvenient, and likely to keep patrons
		of our matches away. It was decided that a
		deputation consisting of the Chairman & Secy. should
		interview the Chief Constable on the matter.

Insurances		The question of these was deferred until we
		had obtained the new quotations asked for.

N. H. Insurance		Secy. reported that the amount due to be
		refunded to the Club was £161.2.0. for the 19
		players & 2 Trainers who wished to continue as
		voluntary contributors. Decided to ascertain what
		amount was due to the players & club for the
		unemployment contributions.

W. Bocking		Secy. reported that this player had been
		transferred to Stockport County on the 31st ult. at
		a fee of £250. It was decided to apply to the
		League for permission to pay him an accrued
		share of benefit of £50.

Accident in		Secy. reported receipt of letter from Messrs Bateman
Bullens Rd.	& Howard Watson re the accident to Mrs. Burns. He
		had sent same to the Royal Insce. Co. who were
		dealing with the matter.

Hakoah F. C.		Letter read from Mr. J. B. Epstein asking if we
Vienna		were prepared to play a match with this club on
		12th Decr. next. Secy. instructed to reply that we