186 Leyfield, Dunn, Higham, Stevenson & Coulter Res. Bentham. Directors to Oldham Messrs The Chairman & A. Coffey. do. to Preston Mr. W. C. Gibbins. do. to Leicester Mr. E. Green. Reports re players Mr. J. Fare reported that this C. F. was not Jones (Wrexham) nearly ready for 1st League football. Mayfield J. Mr. T. Fleetwood reported that he did not consider this player up to C. L. class at present. Saloon Coach The Secy. submitted four quotations for this for A team Journey and it was decided to accept that of Mr. Harrison of Huyton at 2/6 per mile return for short journeys & 2/- per mile return for long journeys. Gwladys St. Property The Chairman reported that the Sanitary Authorities were not prepared to make a closing order for this property, consequently the work in connection with the sanitary notices would have to be proceeded with. It was decided to open negotiations with the controlled tenants and it was decided that the Chairman see them & try & agree to get the immediate possession by offering them a payment of £25 each, pay for furniture removal & provide them with ½ ton of coal. Horsman (B'gham) Letter read from Club asking for a transfer fee of £2500. Secy. was instructed to make some further enquiries about the player. Hot Water The question of providing arrangements for a hot water supply for tea room &c. was discussed & left over for further particulars. N. H. Insurance Secy. was instructed to get out the figures which we have paid for players who are not now insurable. Transfer of Shares The following transfer of shares was approved Geo Lovely to W. H. Griffiths 3 shares 1720 to 1722