
		were not prepared to give that amount, he was instructed
		to ask them what offer they were prepared to make.

Meal Traders Assocn.	Letter of thanks read from this Assocn. re
		Cricket match.

Insurance of	 	Secy. reported receipt of quotation from the
Heating Apparatus Royal Insurance Co. It was decided to leave the
		matter in the hands of a sub-Committee consisting
		of Messrs E. Green, W. C. Gibbins, A. R. Wade & G. Evans.

Merseyside		Secy. reported that Messrs L. Wright & R. M. Bennett
Hospital Council had had an interview with him regarding
		proposed match or matches for the Funds of this
		Council. Decided that the matter be deferred.

Transfer of Shares	The following transfer was approved:-
		Exors. of J. Scrimiger to James W. Scrimiger 2 Shares No. 706 & 2401.

Horsman (B'gham)	Letter read from Birmingham F. C. re transfer
		of this player. Decided to ask them to fix a

Hughes Fund		Letter read from Wirral F. A. asking for a
		donation to this Fund. It was agreed to subscribe
		a sum of £5 to be put in list as "Anonymous".

Advertising		Permission granted to L. M. & S. Rly. Co. to exhibit
Board		a board round our ground during the season.

Accident in		Letter received from J. Barns intimating that his
Bullens Rd.	wife had been injured by a gate falling on her
		in Bullens Rd. during the severe gale on the 20th inst.
		Secy. instructed to report same to Insurance Co.
		& to acknowledge receipt of letter.

Mr. H. Banks		Secy. reported that this Director appeared to be failing.

A Team			Secy. was instructed to make enquiries re terms
		for a Bus for our A Team away matches.

Stadium			Mr. A. R. Wade gave notice of motion to not allow
Advt. Board	this Board to be shewn at our matches.

Next Meeting		At Exchange Hotel on Monday 27th inst. at 6 pm.

					 		Confirmed as Correct
								W. C. Cuff