179 Teams The following Teams were selected for Practice Match on Monday 13th inst. Blues. Sagar, Williams, Cook, Britton, Gee, Thomson Geldard, Cunliffe, Dean, White & Stein. Whites. King, Cresswell, Jones, Mercer, Clark, Archer, Leyfield, Dunn, Higham, Stevenson & Coulter. Advertising It was decided to advertise our matches as last season except to substitute for the 3 posters at M/C Victoria & Preston sites on the Landing Stage. Contractors a/cs The a/cs of Mr. Clarkson for Painting &c. £226.17.6 & Tysons Ld. for Boys Urinal £37.10.0 were passed & cheques drawn for the amounts. Donation An application from the Workmens Mission Upper Mann St. for a donation this year was not entertained. Notice of Motion Mr. W. C. Gibbins gave notice of motion to bring up the question of reducing the price for Block F. Stand at next meeting. Players to watch Mr. T. Kelly to watch F. O'Donnell (Celtic) " J. Fare do. Mills (Aberdeen) Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next 14th inst. at 6pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman