
F. O'Donnell (Celtic)	Letter read from Mr. W. Maley that as the most
		of their Board were on holiday, nothing could be
		done for a week or two, but he was of opinion that
		a fee of £5000 would be required.

F. White (Wolverhampton) It was decided to give these two players
Gallon (Blyth)	a trial.

E. Rose (Bristol)	It was also agreed to bring this player a
		months trial. He was well recommended by Mr. W. J.
		Wallace & was 18.6ft & 11st.

Shallcross (Burton)	Secy. reported that this player had been interviewed
		but was not prepared to sign amateur forms at present
		as he had promised to play trial for M/c City.

Inter League match	Secy. stated that with the consent of the Chairman
F. L. v Scottish League he had offered the use of our ground for this match
		on Oct. 31st.

New Brighton F. C.	Secy. was instructed to press for payment of
		the £150 owing to us.

A Team Ground		It was agreed to pay a proportion of the cost
Telephone	of installing a telephone on the A team ground and
		the matter was left in hands of Secy. to deal with.

Pageant Car		The Chairman's action in agreeing to pay £10 towards
		the cost of the football portion of the Car used in
		connection with the Kings Visit on opening of Mersey
		Tunnel was approved. Letter read from Lord Mayor
		asking if we would accept a gift of the portion referred
		to & Secy. was asked to make enquiries as to this.

Mr. H. Banks		Dr. C. S. Baxter reported that this Directors condition
		was just about the same. Secy. was instructed to ask
		H. Cook (Masseur) to render an account of his charges
		for attending to him.

Goodison Avenue		Secy. reported he had succeeded in getting
Rating Assessments the Authorities to reduce the assessments of the
		houses 4-32 by £1 & so bring them under the
		Composition & also a reduction off the houses 17, 21 & 23