		      FOR THE							Assessment Offices,
											Brougham Terrace,
		  G. W. COSTER.
						  PLEASE QUOTE:-				Liverpool, 6.				
		    J. GLOVER.			    AC12/JO/.

				To T. H. McIntosh, Esq.,
					Goodison Park, Goodison Road,

					    RATING & VALUATION ACTS, 1925-32.
			NOTICE is hereby given that the Assessment Committee for the West Derby
			Area, after considering a proposal and/or objection, have determined the
			assessment of the undermentioned hereditament as shewn, and the Valuation
			List has been amended accordingly:—

				*Rating Area	Liverpool.
		Assessment									Annual
		  Number									Value
		   in		Situation		Description		Gross	       where it		Rateable
		Valuation							Value	        differs		Value
		  List										 from
										 £		   £		  £

		97y. 306/320. 4/32, Goodison Avenue.  15 Houses. Each		23/10.				  16.

										    G. W. Coster
										Clerk to the Assessment Committee.

		3rd July, 1934.

			Any person who appeared before the Assessment Committee on the consideration of an objection or proposal
		may, if aggrieved by the decision of such Committee, appeal against such decision to Quarter Sessions, in manner
		provided by Part 2 of the Rating & Valuation Act, 1925.
			Notice of Appeal must be given before the expiration of 21 days from the date of this notice, (being the date of
		the decision of the Committee) to The Clerk of the Peace, 24, Sir Thomas Street, Liverpool, 1, (where the property
		affected is situate within the City of Liverpool): or to The Clerk of the Peace, County Offices, Preston, (where the
		property affected is situate outside the City of Liverpool). Within the same time a copy of the Notice of Appeal must
		be served on each of the following, not being the Appellant:—The Clerk to the Assessment Committee, Brougham
		Terrace, Liverpool, 6; *The Clerk to the Rating Authority for the Rating Area shewn above, and where the Appeal
		lies against the under-assessment or omission of a hereditament occupied by a third person—The Occupier thereof.
		The Notice of Appeal must specify the grounds of appeal.

		Form AO12/3000s/6/34/EPP/31564