171 point of view, the Season had not been nearly as good as we had expected, but this was accounted for by the serious injuries to several of our best players. We had several very promising young players on our books, and he trusted that he set back was only temporary. Mr. A. M. Denaro spoke as to giving young players a chance and the Chairman replied that it was somewhat dangerous to try too many at once, but the Board would bear the matter in mind. Mr. J. Russell spoke on the question of Sundry Debtors & suggested that the Finance Committee would go carefully into items of Expenditure. The Chairman assured him that no club had a more careful Committee than we had. On the proposition of the Chairman, seconded by Mr. A. Coffey the Directors Report, Statement of A/cs & Balance Sheet were unanimously adopted. Auditors Report The Secretary read the Auditors Report. Dividend On the proposition of Mr. E. Green, seconded by Mr. W. C. Gibbins it was agreed that a Dividend of 7½% (less Income Tax) be paid on the paid up Capital of the Company for the year ending 5/5/34. Election of Auditors Mr. C. M. Dolby proposed & Mr. G. Bridson seconded that Messrs T. Theodore Rogers, Bowler & Co. be re-elected Auditors at a fee of Sixty Guineas, and this was carried unanimously. Election of Directors There being no further nominations, the Chairman declared the retiring Directors (Messrs C. S. Baxter, E. Green & A. R. Wade) duly re elected for a period of 3 years. Mr. E. Green on behalf of himself & his colleagues thanked the Shareholders for their renewed confidence. Players Signed on Secy. read a list of professional players signed on