170 [Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held in the Law Association Rooms Cook St. Liverpool on Friday 15th June 1934] Present Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, A. R. Wade, Dr. C. S. Baxter & G. Evans (Directors) and 50 Shareholders. The Secretary read the notice convening the Meeting. Press It was agreed that the press be admitted. Directors Report On the motion of the Chairman, it was agreed & Balance Sheet that the Directors Report, Statement of Accounts & Balance be taken as read. The Chairman in his remarks, referred to the serious illness of Mr. H. Banks (Director) who had been confined to the house for some months. It was agreed that a letter of sympathy be sent to him wishing him a speedy recovery & expressing the hope that he would soon be able to resume his duties. He also aplogised for the absence of Mr. J. Sharp who had been called away on business. He regretted that the a/cs showed a loss of £2401.7.6, but this was accounted for by the fact that we had been beaten in the 1st Rd. of the F. A. Cup, and consequently had had no home gates in same, and also the fact that we had paid transfer fees for certain of our players secured during the Season. The expenditure items were practically about the same as in previous Seasons. The Stands & Erections had been written down to £17,337.13.1 and our financial position was still very good. He also regretted that from a playing