The Everton Football Club Company Limited. BALANCE SHEET AS AT 5th MAY, 1934. LIABILITIES. 1933 ASSETS. 1934 1933 1934 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Freehold Land, including Free- Nominal Capital £2500, in 2500 hold Messuages Nos. 2 to 48 2500 0 0 Shares of £1 each..............2500 0 0 Gwladys Street, Nos. 4 to 32 ------------ -------------- and 1 to 23 Goodison Avenue, Issued Capital— 2 to 10 Goodison Road, 207 2210 Shares issued and allotted to 209 and 221 to 223 Walton 27790 1 5 Lane at cost..................... 27790 1 5 on which 15/- per Share has Stands, Hoardings and Erections, 1657 10 0 been called and paid up. 1657 10 0 &c., at Goodison Park at cost 290 Bonus Shares issued and less depreciation, as at 6th 290 0 0 allotted to Old Members 290 0 0 21468 10 7 May, 1933........................ 19292 1 0 ____________ _____ ______________ 1947 10 0 2500 1947 10 0 Less amount now written off 2176 9 7 for depreciation ................ 1954 7 11 19292 1 0 _______________ ______________ 17337 13 1 3059 0 3 Sundry Creditors........................... 398 2 1 _____________ ______________ 47082 2 5 Sundry Debtors, as valued by 45127 14 6 6872 15 1 the Directors..................... 477 15 9 164 4 9 Unclaimed Dividends........................... 167 18 3 20 15 0 Sundry Deposits .................... 20 15 0 164 4 9 Midland Bank, Ltd-Dividend A/c 167 18 3 8301 16 4 General A/c 10580 14 1 59780 14 7 Balance to Credit of Profit and Loss Account 56342 6 0 8466 1 1 _______________ _____________ 10748 12 4 Investment £2500 3½% War 2375 0 0 Loan at cost................... 2375 0 0 80 15 3 4% Consolidated Loan at cost..... 80 15 3 2455 15 3 ______________ _____________ 2455 15 3 54 0 9 Cash in hand .................... 25 3 6 _____________ ________________ ______________ _____________ £64951 9 7 £58855 16 4 £64951 9 7 £58855 16 4 _____________ ________________ ______________ ______________ Signed on behalf of the Board, W. C. CUFF } A. COFFEY } Directors. THOS. H. McINTOSH, Secretary. AUDITORS' REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF THE EVERTON FOOTBALL CLUB COMPANY LIMITED. We have examined the Accounts of the Company and the Balance Sheet as at 5th May, 1934, as set out above, and in accordance with the Companies' Act, 1929, beg to report that:— (a) We have obtained all the information and explanations we have required; and (b) In our opinion such Balance Sheet is properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the state of the Company's affairs, according to the best of our information and the explanations given to us and as shewn by the Books of the Company. 30 NORTH JOHN STREET, LIVERPOOL, T. THEO. ROGERS, BOWLER & CO., 8th May, 1934. Chartered Accountants.