							The Everton Football Club Company Ltd.

							     For Year ending 5th May, 1934.

	      1933		EXPENDITURE.              May 5th, 1934     	1933		INCOME				   May 5th, 1934
	  £	 s.   d.				   £	 s.   d.     £	   s.   d.       				   £	  s.   d.
			  To Players’ Wages & Transfer			  48112    8    0  By Gate Receipts ...  ...  ...	37046    16    4
	19942    0    0	     Fees, &c. ... ...		16435   10    0			   "  Proceeds of Matches played
	 1765    0    0	  "  Players Benefits ...  ... 	 1234    5    0	  10595    6    9	away, &c.   ...  ...  ...	 5006     0   10
			  "  Medical Fees, Players’ Ac-			 -----------------					-----------------
	  574    9   10	     cident Insurance, &c. ...	  502    7    3	  58707   14    9					 42052   17    2
	 9429    4    0   "  Gate Division to Visitors.  4271   16    1
	 4241    6   11   "  Travelling Expenses.. ...	 3594    1   11	    613    7    6  "   Season Tickets .. ...  ...          696   19    6
			  "  Advertising, Billposting,					   "	Advertising Contractors for
	  424    5    5      Printing and Stationery      680   12    4			         Programmes, Hoardings. ...
	 1583   10    6	  "  Gate Expenses, Checkers, &c.1330	 1    7	    291	   2    0  "	 and Refreshments. ... ...	   310	  2    0
			  "  Training Expenses and			      0   17    6  "	Share Transfer Fees.. ...	     2    2    6
	 1833    2    8		Trainers’ Wages..  ...	 1146    7    3	    104   18    6  "	Bank Interest ... ... ...	   113   13    4
			  "  Ground Expenses and.  ...										 ----------------
	 2369	 1    0		Groundsmen's Wages ...	 2119   11   11								£43175   14    6
			  "  National Health and Un-
	  191    5    7	     employment Insurance  ...    177   15   10			   "	Balance to Profit and Loss
			  "  Rent, Rates, Taxes, Light-						Account ...  ...  ...  ..	   2401	  7    6
			     ing Water Telephone,
	 4532   19    5	      Insurance, &c. ...   ...	 5241   19   10
	 8151    8    2   "  Entertainment Tax..   ...   6300   11    4
			  "  Office Expenses, Secretary's
	 1309   13    4	      Salary, Postages, &c. ..   1387    8    6
	   82    5    6   "  Bank Commission ...   ...     63   12    3
	  410    2    6   "  Clothing, Material & Stores  315   11    8
			  "   League Percentages, Sub-
			    scriptions, Contributions,
	  635    5    3	    &c. ...  ...  ...  ... ...    703    3    0
			  "  Law Costs and Accountancy
	   70    3    2       Charges ..  ...  ... ...     72    6    3
	---------------					---------------
	£57545   3    3					£45577   2    0
			  " Balance to Profit and Loss
	  2172  17    0	     Account ... ..  .... ...
	---------------					---------------	 -----------------					  -------------------
	£59718   0    3					£45577   2    0	  £59718   0    3					   £45577   2    0
	---------------					---------------	 -----------------					  -------------------

							     For Year ending 5th May, 1934.

		1933		              		  May 5th, 1934 	1933		              			  May 5th, 1934 
	   £	 s.  d.					     £    s.  d.      £     s.   d.	  				  £      s.   d.
			    To Dividend declared 16th					     By Surplus at May 6th, 1933
			      June,1933 at 7½ percent.			   58815    6    6	as per Certified Accounts	59780   14    7
			      per annum, less Income
	  109   10   11	      Tax ...  ...  ... ... ..      109  10   11     925    7    1   "	 Income from Properties...	  936    3    3
			    To Depreciation now written
	 2176    9    7		off Stands, &c.		   1954   7   11		     "   Interest from Investments—
			    " Amount of Expenditure			     125    0    0	  War Loan ...   £87 10 0
				over Income		   2401   7    6       3    4    6	 Consolidated Loan 3 4 6
														---------	    90   14   6
											     "   Bonus on Conversion of
									      25    0    0	  War Loan ... ... ... ...
	59780   14    7     "  Balance carried forward... 56342   6    0
											     "	 Amount of Income in excess	
									    2172   17    0	  of Expenditure... ... ...
	----------------				  ---------------   --------------					 ----------------
	£62066  15    1					 £60807  12    4    £62066  15   1	     				£60807  12    4	
	----------------				  ---------------   --------------					 ----------------