						.THE.				30

				Everton Football Club Company Ltd.

		Report of Directors to the Fifty-Fifth Annual General Meeting of
		     the Company to be held on Friday, the 15th June, 1934.

		The Directors have pleasure in submitting the Accounts of the Company
	for the Year ending 5th May, 1934, and beg to report thereon as follows:

		The Balance to credit of Profit and Loss
		    Account brought forward from last year
		    amounted to	...	...	...	...	£59780 14  7

		Less Dividend paid June, 1933	...	...	   109 10 11
								_____________	59671  3  8

		Less Excess of Expenditure over Income
		    as shown by Accounts	...	...	  2401  7  6

		Deduct Income from Properties	£936  3 3

		Deduct Income from Investments	  90 14 6
						_________	  1026 17  9
								____________	 1374  9  9
										58296 13 11

		The Directors have made provision in the Accounts for
		    Depreciation amounting to	...	...	...	...	 1954  7 11
										56342  6  0

		Out of this Balance the Directors recommend payment of a
		    Dividend at the rate of 7½ % per annum less income Tax
		    at 4/6 in the £, amounting to	...	...	...	  113  4  0
		Leaving a Balance carried forward of	...	...	...    £56229  2  0

		The retiring Directors are MESSRS. DR. C. S. BAXTER, E. GREEN and
	A. R. Wade, who are eligible and offer themselves for re-election. No other
	Nominations having been received these three gentlemen will accordingly be declared
	elected for the ensuing three years.

		The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed until the 16th
	day of JUNE, 1934.

								W. C. CUFF, Chairman.


		Mr. W. C. GIBBINS	...	44	Mr. G. EVANS	...	...	41
		"   A. R. WADE		...	44	Dr. C. S. BAXTER	...	40
		"   E. GREEN	...	...	43	Mr. A. COFFEY	...	...	32
		"   J. SHARP	...	...	42	"   H. BANKS	...	...	20
		"   W. C. CUFF	...	...	41

	In addition to above 10 Emergency and Sub-Committee Meetings were held.