168 first, £1.1.0 to the second, but nothing to the last. L'pool Schools F.A. Letter received from this Association conveying their best thanks to the Board for granting the ground for their matches and also to the Staff for the assistance they had given. Ellesmere Port Town An application from this club for a donation F.C. towards their funds was not entertained. John (Stoke City) Letters read from this Club asking if we were prepared to negotiate for this goalkeeper. Decided not to do so. F.A. Council The action of the Chairman in instructing the Secy. to nominate Mr. H. Hughes for Div. 3 was confirmed. J. Stein Dr. C. S. Baxter reported that this player had an attack of Tonsilitis on the return journey from Teneriffe and suggested that his tonsils be removed. It was agreed to have this done at once by Prof. Guthrie in Edinbro. Insurance As the Boilers were now dismantled it was agreed that the Insurance be discontinued but that the new Electric Installation be insured when completed. Football League Reports of these meetings were given by F.A. & C. L. Meeting the Vice Chairman & Secy. The fixtures for the League & C. League were confirmed. Lancashire Cup Secy. reported that we had been drawn at home to Barrow in 1st Rd. and that he had offered Barrow the 12th Sept. as date. Photo of Sir. F. J. Wall It was agreed to purchase one of these at a cost of £2.2.0. Mr. H. Banks Dr. C. S. Baxter reported that this Director was not too well.