167 Bristol City Players Mr. W. J. Wallace gave a good report of Scattergood but a moderate one of Riley & Parker. Secy. stated that the former had been transferred to Stoke City. Rose (Bristol) It was agreed to give this inside forward a trial in August. Training It was decided to call the players up for training on 30th July. Practice Matches The action of the Secy. in getting permission from the L'pool County F. A. for these to be played on the 13th & 18th August was confirmed. New Brighton F. C. Letter read from this club asking for further time to repay the loan of £150. Secy. was instructed to ask Dr. T. Martlew to get in touch with our Chairman. Goodison Avenue Secy. reported that our appeal for the reduction Property of Rates Assessment of the houses 4-32 had not been successful, but the Clark to the Assessment Committee had promised to bring the matter before the New Rating Committee. Gwladys St. Secy. reported that Sanitary notices had been received re the whole of this property. He had interviewed the Chief Inspector a pointed out that we had purchased this property in 1914 with the sole intention of having it pulled down with the view of the erection of the new stand. He had suggested that we apply for permission of having the houses closed and Secy. was instructed to do so. Vienna Rapid F. C. An application from this club for a match here on Aug. 27th was not entertained. Heating & Drying } The Vice Chairman gave a report on the progress System & Boy's Urinal }of this work & stated that in his opinion, the Hoarding & Running Track}same was progressing satisfactorily. Donations Applications were received from the Junior Instruction Centre, W. H. Owen Testimonial Fund & the Walton Parish Church F. C. Decided to grant £2.2.0 to the