166 had enquired re Archer, and the Board agreed to transfer him at a fee of £1000. Turner G. It was decided that, in the event of Leyfield being transferred, to re sign this player. McGonagle (Celtic) Letter read from club asking if we were interested in this full back. Decided to reply that we were not. Scott Elisha It was agreed that we endeavour to secure this player, and the matter was left in hands of the Chairman to open negotiations. L'pool County The action of the Secy. in fixing this meeting Combn. Fixture Meeting in our Board Room on 21st inst. was confirmed and it was also decided to entertain the representatives to tea as in past years. Army F. A. Letter read asking us to play a match at Aldershot on Novr. 5th. It was decided to do so. Tour in Teneriffe Dr. C. S. Baxter reported that the Tour had been successful from playing point of view the results of the 3 matches being as follows:- 1st Match won 2-1, 2nd Match drawn 1-1 & 3rd Match won 3-2. The financial statement was presented & showed a loss of £144.6 and this was approved and ordered to be forwarded to the Football League. Lancs. F. A. Mr. W. C. Gibbins was appointed to represent Annual Meeting the club at this meeting at Southport on 16th inst. Catering Letter read from S. Reece & Sons that they were not now prepared to make an offer for this. Bands Applications were received from Litherland Prize Bank & the Dingle Silver Prize Band asking for the right to play on our ground at matches next Season, but it was decided that as we had the Marconiphone still in use it was not possible for us to engage a band.