
			[Meeting of Directors held
			at Exchange Hotel, L'pool
			on Friday 11th May 1934]

		Present Messrs E. Green (Chair), A. Coffey, J. Sharp & A. R. Wade.

Drying Room		The Chairman reported that he had an
		interview with Mr. Burton of the Corporation Electricity
		re proposed Drying Machine & Washing machine.
		He stated that a Henderson Drying machine could
		be supplied at a cost of £160 and a Hot Point
		Electric Washing, Wringing & Ironing Machine at a
		cost of £36 making a total of £196 in place
		of No. 2 Estimate mentioned at last meeting. Two
		Corporation representatives attended and answered
		questions asked on these matters and they were
		asked to re write their estimates giving full details,
		& if the Chairman & Secy. was satisfied with same, he
		was given power to accept it.
			The question of covering in the Drying room
		& tiling wall was left over for the present.

Fixtures for}		A copy of the fixtures was received and the
Next Season }	Secy. was instructed to write to the League and point
		out that our fixture for Xmas & Easter were not
		satisfactory to us, and asking for same alteration to
		be made.

War Stock		The Secy. was authorised to purchase £5000
		War Stock 3½ % at a cost of £102.15.0 per £100.

					Confirmed as Correct
						W. C. Cuff