162 transfer of this player from the New Brighton F. C. but when he interviewed the player he had refused to complete the form. It was therefore agreed, in view of this, to demand repayment of the £150 from the Club. International } The Secy. read the recommendations of the Football } F. A dated 27th April 1934 regarding the playing of matches between England, Scotland, Wales & Ireland. A Team Ground Letter read from Marine F. C. that they were prepared to renew the lease of this ground to us for a further 12 months. Lancashire Cup The proposed new Rules as submitted by the Lancs. F. A. re Senior Cup Rules were approved. War Loan In view of the large amount of Cash in Bank it was decided to invest £5000 in 3½% War Stock. Hot Water System Estimates for the proposed work were received & Drying Room from the L'pool Corporation (Electricity Dept.), The Liverpool Gas Co., The Brightside Foundry & Engineering Co. Ld. & Messrs Bradford & Co. After being carefully gone into, it was agreed to accept the estimates of the L'pool Corporation for the new hot water supply at a cost of £495 and for the heating of the Players Recreation Room at a cost of £60. With regard to their estimate of £410 for the provision of a Drying Room &c. it was decided to leave this in the hands of the Directors left at home to go into & endeavour to get a modified tender with power for them to accept same. Players Signed Secy. reported that Cresswell, Griffiths, Birtley, Kavanagh & Bentham had now re-signed. F. League & F. A. It was agreed that Messrs A. Coffey & J. Sharp Annual Meetings with Secy. & Assist. Secy. attend these meetings & that the Vice Chairman attend the Secretaries Picnic & Dinner.