
Accounts & 	}	The Secretary presented the accounts for the year
Balance Sheet	} ending 5th inst., and after explanations of the various
		items, it was resolved that:-
		(1) The amount due from Sunday Debtors be valued, for
		the purpose of the Balance Sheet at £477.15.9.

		(2) A depreciation of 10% be written off all Stands.
		Hoardings & Erections amounting to £1878.16.9
		and 15% off Marconiphone Equipment amounting to £75.11.2.

		(3) The amount expended on clothing Material & Stores
		£315.11.8 be written off Income & Expenditure a/c.

		(4) That the Statement of a/cs. Profit & Loss a/c & Balance
		Sheet be approved.

		(5) That a Dividend of 7½% (Less Income Tax), on the
		paid up Capital of the Company be recommended.
		The Board congratulated the Secy. & Auditors on the promptness of a/cs.

Annual Meeting		It was proposed & carried that the Annual
		Meeting be held in the Law Association Rooms. Cook
		St. L'pool on Friday 15th June next at 7.30 pm.
			It was decided that the Auditors of the Coy
		(1) Take control of admission to the Annual Meeting &
		that they be authorised to obtain the necessary assistance.

		(2) Dispatch notices of the Meeting & Copy of the a/cs
		to the Shareholders.

Reports re Players	    Mr. A. R. Wade reported that he was impressed
Tranmere R. v Bristol City with Scattergood (G. K.), Parker (C. H.) & Riley (C. F.) of
		Bristol City, but did not care for any of the Tranmere

Treanor (Bury)		Mr. T. Fleetwood again reported that this player
		was not strong enough for 1st Divn. Football.

Barnsley v N. Brighton	Mr. J. Fare reported that he did not consider
		any of these players of standard required by us.

Benson & Johnson}	Letter read from Mr. A. Chadwick recommending
Blackburn       }these two players. Decided to write Mr. W. Laine
		re the latter.

Major (N. Brighton)	Secy. reported that he had obtained the