158 Tour to Tenerife With regard to the list of players previously decided upon to go on Tour, it was now decided to substitute Cresswell for White, and to add Stevenson to the list. The Lord Mayor had sent an invitation to the Directors, Secy. and the Touring party to a Luncheon at the Town Hall on Tuesday the 8th inst. and this was accepted. New Brighton F. C. Letter read from this club stating that they were unable to repay the Loan. It was therefore decided to execute our option and to endeavour to obtain the services of their player W. Major. Catering Letter read from S. Reece & Son Ld. Agreed to ask them to make an offer. Drying Room } It was agreed to deal with these matters & } Hot water System} at next meeting. Hoarding in It was decided to have this attended to Gwladys St.} where necessary. Boys Urinal Secy. reported that he had asked Mr. Harold Trantom to prepare a plan & specification for this. Painting Goodison} Tenders were received for this work as per Rd. Stand } list attached herewith, and it was decided to accept that of Mr. W. Clarkson for £196.0.0. 23 Goodison Ave. The tenant (Mr. A. Clark) having requested to have a bath put in his house, it was decided to do so. Staff The thanks of the members of the staff who had had their wages increased were received. Newcombe This club having enquired if we were (Millwall) interested in this player, it was decided to reply in the negative. L'pool County F. A. It was agreed to nominate Mr. W. C. Gibbins as V. Pres & the Secy. as Member of the Council of this Association.