
			[Meeting of Directors held
			at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool
			on Tuesday 1st May 1934.]

		Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors
			except Mr. H. Banks.

Minutes			The Minutes of Meeting held on the 24th inst.
		were read & confirmed.

Finance			The following receipts were reported:-
		Gate v M/C United Res.  £57.9.3		Tax £  9.11. 6
		Manchester City F. C. Compensation re Gate  £139.19. 2
		Liverpool F. C. Pooling C. L. Gate receipt  £ 70.12.11
		Huddersfield Town F. C.  	20%	    £ 29. 0. 5
			do	Compensation of do	    £ 67. 3. 8
		Sunderland F. C.		20%	    £ 36.12. 2
		City Caterers			Rent	    £100. 0. 0
		D. Allen & Sons Ld.		 do	    £ 75. 0. 0
			Bank Balance	£11942.4.9 Cr.
		Cheques were signed for the following:-
		Collector of Customs & Excise	Enterts. Tax	£  9.11.6
		T. C. F. Johnson	Accrued Benefit		£468. 0.0
		E. Sagar			Benefit		£650. 0.0
		T. H. McIntosh			Wages &c.	£320. 0.0
			do			Salary		£ 54. 3.4
		R. G. Romaine & Co.		Enquiries	£ 15.11.5

Reports of Matches	Reports were received of the matches v Sunderland
		2-3, M/C United Res. 2-1, Hoylake 4-3 (Mahon Cup Final).

Dr. & Trainer's Report	Dr. W. T. Davies & Trainer Cooke reported Williams
		& Cook unfit for tomorrow, but alright for Sat.
			Mr. T. P. McMurray's report on his examination
		of White was read.

Mr. H. Banks		Dr. C. S. Baxter reported that this Directors
		was still about the same.