155 J. Thomson, A. Geldard, J. Cunliffe, W. R. Dean, N. Higham, J. Coulter, J. Stein, T. White. Trainer H. E. Cooke Boys Sen. Urinal It was agreed to obtain plans & estimates for the proposed new urinal. Lancs. Senior cup Secy. gave a report of the decisions arrived at, at the meeting on the 19th inst. but the Lancs. F. A. would send out circulars to clubs concerned. F. A. & F. L. Minutes These, where affecting our Club were read. Northern Midweek} Application received from this League for our League } club to join, but not entertained. League & C. L. } The nominations for next Season were left in hands Linesman } of Chairman & Secy. Lord Mayor of } It was decided that in future a Season Ticket L'pool } be sent each year for the use of the Lord Mayor. F. A. Cup Final Decided that the following Directors attend Messrs The Chairman, Vice Chairman, A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, J. Sharp, Dr. C. S. Baxter & G. Evans. Fixtures for Next} Agreed that Secy. write Mr. C. E. Sutcliffe re next Season } Season holiday fixtures asking for shorter journeys if possible. Players to Watch Secy. was instructed to arrange for this for week end. Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman Players Re-signed Secy. reported that the following had re-signed for next season - Sagar, King, Williams, Cook, Jones, Marris, Clark, Britton, Gee, Thomson, Archer, Mercer, Watson T., Gildard, Cunliffe, Dean, Stevenson, Higham, White, Stein, Coutler & Webster. W. C. Cuff