
			[Meeting of Directors held
			at Exchange Hotel L'pool
			on Tuesday 24th April 1934]

		Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors
			except Mr. H. Banks.

Minutes			The Minutes of meeting held on the 17th inst.
		were read & confirmed.

Finance			The following receipts were reported:-
		Gate v Portsmouth £1530.15.0	Tax		£258.2.4
				20% £189.2.11	 1% 		£12.1.7
		Gate v Ellesmere Port				£3.8.9
		Net Gate recd. for Ges. Mahon Cup S. F.		£3.7.0
		 do in Lythgoe Memorial Cup S. F.		£49.11.4
				Tax £8.13.8 Adverts.		£1.7.0
		Sale of International & Cup Final Tkts.		£99.16.0
		Chelsea F. C.			20%		£258.4.8
		Barker & Dobson Ld. Rent			£35.0.0
.		Preston North End F. C. bal'ce Transfer Fee	£123.15.0
		Sale of Minerals				£1.12.10
			Bank Balance £12.315.6.7 Cr.
		Cheques were signed for the following:-
		Collector of Custom & Excise	Tax		£258.2.4
		Portsmouth F. C.		20%		£189.2.11
		Football League			1%		£12.1.7
		T. H. McIntosh		Wages & Exs.		£360.0.0
		L'pool County F. A.	Net Gate		£37.14.8

Reports of Matches	Reports were received of the matches v
		L'pool (Lythgoe Cup) 4-1, Portsmouth 1-1, Sheffield A. Res. 1-3
		& Ellesmere Port 4-1.

Dr. & Trainer's Report	Dr. W. T. Davies & Trainer Cooke reported that
		Dean would be unfit for tomorrow. Cook unfit
		& King to be seen by Dr. on Friday.